
In order to undertake the proposed restoration funding is necessary. The Getty Grant Fund and Sparaco Spartaco, S.p.a. have already made an initial contribution toward this goal, however further fundraising is necessary. Anyone interested in making a contribution can do so directly into c/c n. 651390/31 ABI 3002 CAB 5081 of the Bank of Rome, Agency # 209. Control over this account has been assigned to the Mother Superior of the Monastery of Santi Quattro Coronati. Contributions can also be made through the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Checks should be made payable "Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Friends of Santi Quattro Fund." - Archdiocese of Los Angeles, 3424 Wilshire Boulevard, Development Departement, sth Floor, Los Angeles, California 90010.

Should donors to this important restoration project so wish, they will be named in a published record of the restoration process and on a bilingual (Italian-English) CD-ROM which will also detail the historical and artistic characteristics of the Cloister and of this historical restoration project. Donors will also be listed on a plaque affixed in the Cloister as a memorial of our gratitude. Interested sponsors can direct inquiries to the Project at the following Internet e-mail




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the Monastery of Ss. Quattro Coronati
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